Search results for: declawing

What is Declawing?

Feline declawing is an elective and ethically controversial procedure, which is NOT medically necessary for cats in most instances. Declawing entails the amputation of a cat’s third phalanx [P3], or third ‘toe bone.’ Unlike human [...]

Cat Owner Resources

Being a cat-friendly cat owner starts with learning about a cat's natural behaviors and understanding the benefits of routine preventative care. Cat Friendly Homes offers helpful educational resources to better understand and meet your [...]

Recursos do proprietário do gato

Ser um cuidador amigo dos gatos começa com a aprendizagem sobre os comportamentos naturais de um gato e a compreensão dos benefícios dos cuidados preventivos de rotina. Cat Friendly Homes oferece recursos educacionais úteis [...]

Recursos para dueños de gatos

Ser un cuidador amigable con los gatos comienza con aprender sobre los comportamientos naturales de un gato y comprender los beneficios del cuidado preventivo de rutina. Cat Friendly Homes ofrece recursos educativos útiles para [...]

Veterinary Care

One of the best ways to keep your cat healthy is through regular preventive care, which involves partnering with a veterinarian that you trust. Your cat needs regular check-ups just like you do. We’ve [...]


It can be frustrating and even expensive if your cat scratches your furniture or carpets. However, it is important to understand that scratching is a normal behavior for all cats, and serves important functions [...]

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